Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro

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Professor Volodymyr Zaitsev

Professor, D.Sc., PhD, Corr. Member Acad. of Sci. of Ukraine

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I am professor from Ukraine who currently work at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Brazil. I was graduated at T. Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (KNU) as inorganic chemists and received my PhD and D.Sc. degrees at the same university. I worked at KNU as professor of inorganic and later analytical chemistry till 2014. In 2007 I was honored to receive State Prize in science and engineering from President of Ukraine and in 2009 I was elected to National academy of Sciences of Ukraine as a correspondent member in the field of surface chemistry. I am alumni de British Council scholarship and Fulbright fellowship. My research focuses on development of low-dimensional materials, including surface modification of porous Si, SiO2 and SiC, synthesis of 2D and 0D carbon-based nanoparticles and their hybrids, chemical and biomedical application of nanomaterials.

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last updated 27.11.2024

Laboratório de adsorventes para análise química, proteção de ambiente e biomedicina (LAQAPAB)
Departamento de QuímicaPontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)
tel: +55 21 980551969,
e-mail: vnzaitsev@puc-rio.br,

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