Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro

O departamento de Química

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Professor Volodymyr Zaitsev

Professor, D.Sc., PhD, Corr. Member Acad. of Sci. of Ukraine

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Main Research Directions:

Chemistry of low-dimensional materials

Preparation and investigation of surface modified materials
We are especially interested in:
Chemical modification of SiO2and Adsorbents for metal ion extractionand
and organic compounds that covalently bonded to an oxide surfaceand and Metal pre-concentration for analysisand
Bonded metal complexes and Water purificationand
Peculiarities of chemical reaction on surfaceand
Stationary phases for ion, affinity and ligand-exchange chromatography
and Chemical and biosensorsand
Distribution of bonded groups, their mobility and geometryand
Immobilisation of metal complexes and organic compounds for catalysisand

My research group

In Kiev (Ukraine)  In Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 
1 Dr. Sergey ALEKSEEV,
PhD, associate Professorand
  Dr. Michael Nazarkovsky,
PhD, Researcher
Kovalchuk  Dr. Tania KOVALCHUK,
PhD assistant Professor
  Olena Artiushenko,
PhD student
3 Dr. Vasyl Gerda,
PhD, senior researcherand
  Albina Mikhraliieva,
PhD student
Raks  Dr. Viktoriia Raks,
PhD, associate Professorand
  Dr. Eloah P. Avila,
Kostenko  Mrs. Ludmila Kostenko    
7 Nataliya Kobylinskaya,
PhD, researcher
Konoplytska  Konoplytska Elena,
PhD, assistant Professor
Tomaschuk  Iryna Tomashchuk,
PhD assistant Profess

Laboratório de adsorventes para análise química, proteção de ambiente e biomedicina (LAQAPAB)
Departamento de QuímicaPontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)
tel: +55 21 980551969,
e-mail: vnzaitsev@puc-rio.br,

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