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Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro O departamento de Química |
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Professor Volodymyr ZaitsevProfessor, D.Sc., PhD, Corr. Member Acad. of Sci. of Ukraine Links: |ORCID | LinkedIn| SciProfiles | GoogleScholar | Instagram | FaceBook | YouTube | |
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| List of publications | Research projects | My research group | Teaching | Research interests | Biography | Research opportunities | Photos | CV |
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1990 - 2000
G.M. Zaitseva, V.V. Strelko, V.M. Zaitsev, Y.V. Kholin, T.V. Kovalchuk Mechanism of metal adsorbtion by silica with covalently immobilised bis-N,N-(dibutyl)-N’-propyl-phosphotriamide, 2000, Ukr. Khim. Zhurn., v.66, No.6, p.92-96.
S. Alekseev, Genina M.A., Zaitsev V.N. Thermal decomposition of aminosilicas and their salts with HCl and HNO3, 2000, Ukr. Khim. Zhurn., v.66, No.10, p.61-64.
Donskaya N.D., Zaitsev V.N. Interaction of Na2PdCl4 and CuCl2 with covalently immobilized on silica surface ethylenediamine, Zhurn. Neorgan. Khimii, 2000 v.45, No. 3, p. 431 – 436.
Donskaya N.D., Zaitsev V.N., Skopenko V.V. Palladium complexes with aminosilicas. Zhurn. Neorgan. Khimii, 2000 v.45, No. 3, p. 464 – 468.
Samoteikin A.A., Kholin Yu.V., Zaitsev V.N., Sumskaya N.R. Polythermal study of kinetics and equilibrium for hydrogen ion sorption on aminosilica. Functional matterials 2000, v.7, No.1, 144-149.
Zaitsev V.N., Vasilik L.S., Evans J., Brough A. Synthesis and nature of the grafted layer on silicas chemically modified by aminophosphonic acids. Russian Chemical Bulletin, 1999, v.48, No.12, p. 2340-2345
Oleynic V.D., Budarin V.L. Zaitsev V.N. Influence of donor properties of silica-immobilized amines on the thermodynamic characteristics of interfacial protolytic reactions. Adsorption Sci. and Technol., 1999 v. 17, No.10, p.835-843.
Zaitsev V.N., Kholin Y.V., Khristenko I.V., Shabaeva Y.V. Complexing of some transition metal ions with alyphatic amines, covalently bonded to silica surface. Visnyk Kharkovskogo Universiteta, 1999, No. 437, Chemistry. Issue 3 (26). - P.156-159.
Zaitsev V.N., Oleynik V.D., Skopenko V.V. Structure peculiarities in surface layer of copper complexes with covalently bonded to SiO2 aliphatic amines. 1999, Ukr. Khim. Zhurn., v.65, No.2, p.81-84.
Bergbreiter D.E., Zaitsev V.N., Gorlova E.Yu. and Khodakovsky A. Combinatorial synthesis of silica-supported metal binding agents and sensors. In: “Fundamental and applied aspects of chemically modified surfaces”, Eds. J.P. Blitz and C.B. Little (Cambridge: The Royal Soc. of Chem.), 1999, p.352-360.
Zaitsev V.N., Vassilik L.S. New class of silica-bonded ion-exchangers. In: “Fundamental and applied aspects of chemically modified surfaces”, Eds. J.P. Blitz and C.B. Little (Cambridge: The Royal Soc. of Chem.), 1999, p. 361-368.
Zaitsev V.N., Oleynic V.D. Peculiarities of the protonation reaction in the interfacial layer of silica containing chemically bonded N-methylaminopropyl groups. Adsorption Sci. and Technol., 1999 v. 17, No.1, p.65-71.
Kovalchuk T.V., LevinU., Zaitsev V.N., Engevald V. Chromatographic properties of high density octadecyl phases that bonded on high pure silica gel. Zhurn. Anal. Khimii., 1999, ¹ 26 š.115-121.
Zaitsev V.N., Kholin Y.V., Gorlova E.Y. Silica chemically modified with N-benzoyl-N-phenyl-hydroxylamine in chemisorption of hydrogen and metal ions. Anal. Chim. Acta, 1999, v. 379, p.11-21.
Alekseev A.N., Zaitsev V.N., Alekseev S.A., Pecheny A.B. Study of cooperative effects of silanols on modified silica by dielectric relaxation method. J. Macromol. Symposia, 1998, v.136, p.9-12.
Zaitsev V.N., Oleynik V.D. Budarin V.L. Evaluation of bonded layer disorder from thermodynamic behavior of methylaminopropyl groups immobilized on SiO2. J. Macromol. Symposia, 1998, v.136, p.99-102.
Zaitsev, V.N., Volkov, A.N., Zub, V.Y., Zaitseva, G.N. (1998): Investigation of the interaction of covalently bonded to silica diethylenetriamine copper complexes with different nature chemicals by EPR. Ukr. Khim. Zhurn. v. 64 , No.1, p. 12-17.
Zaitsev V.N., Lehaitre M, Alekseev S.A., Legrand J. Chemical optosensors based on silicas with covalently bonded ligands. Marine Analyt. Chem. for monitoring and oceanographic research. Marc’hmor-97. Int. workshop 17-19 Now. 1997, Brest (France), p.188-192.
Sumskaya N.R., Kholin U.V. and Zaitsev V.N. (1997): Column frontal high performance liquid chromatography of copper (II) chloride on silica, modified aminodiphosphonic acid. Zhurn. Fizich. Khimii, 71, 905-910.
Budarin, V.L., Pechenyj, A.B., Zajtsev, V.N. Effect of interface structure peculiarities on protolytic equilibrium (1997) Ukrainskij Khimicheskij Zhurnal, 63 (11-12), pp. 88-92.
Budarin, V.L., Pecheny, A.B., Zaitsev, V.N. (1997): Doble-electrical layer influences on acid-base properties of chemically modified silicas. Functional matterials 4, 566-571.
Kholin Yu.V., Merny S., Zaitsev V.N. (1996): The numerical analysis of energetically non-identity of bonded aminopropyl groups with difference distribution. Zhurn. Fizit. Khim. (Russ. J. Phys. Chem.), 70, 1101-1107.
Zaitsev, V.N. (1996): Regular topology NH2 bonded phases. In: Chemically modified Surfaces. Recent development, Eds. Pesek, J.J., Matuska, M.T. and Abuelafya, R.R. (Cambrige: The Royal Soc. of Chem.), 113-124.
Kalibabchuk, V.A., Zaitsev, V.N. Voitsehovskaya, O.M., Podgorny, A.V. (1996): Oximes of dialdehydcellulose and their chelating activity tovard some metals. Koord. Khim. (Russ. J. Coord. Chem.), 22, 404-405.
Pecheny, A.B., Budarin, V.L., Zaitsev, V.N. Kalibabchuk, V.A. (1995): Kinetic pecularities of interaction of Co(II) phthalocyanine complexes with functionalised organosilicas. Teoret. and Experim. Khim. (Theoret. And experimental chem.), 31, 303-307.
Kalibabchuk, V.A. and Zaitsev, V.N. (1995): polymer materials for medical purposes. Functional materials, 2, 15-22.
Zaitsev, V.N., Vassilik, L.S., Evans J. and Brought A. (1995): The silicas chemically modified with amino-di(methylenephosphonoc) and ethylenediamine-di(methylenephosphonic) acids. Functional materials, 2, 33-39.
Zaitsev V.N., Oleynyk V.D., Skopenko V.V. and Antoschuk V.V. (1995): Copper(II) complexes on silica surfaces with covalently bonded methylamino and ethylenediamino silanes. Functional materials, 2, 69-74.
Kholin, Yu.V, Zaitsev, V.N., Zaitseva, G.N., Vassilik, L.C., Merny, S.A. (1995): Complexing in interfacial layers of silicas with immobilised aminophosphonic and aminodiphosphonic acids. Zhurn. Neorg. Khim. 40, 275-283 (In Russian), Russ. J. Inorg. Chem., 40, 261-269 (In English).
Zaitsev, V.N., Kadenko, I.N., Vassilik, L.S. and Oleinik V.D. (1995): Natural zeolite – klinoptilolit as adsorbent for removing of radionuclides and heavy metal ions. Izvestia Vysshih Uchebnih Zavedenii. Khimia i Khimicheskaya tekhnologia, 38, 40-45.
Zaitsev, V.N., Skopenko, V.V., Kholin, Yu.V., Donskaya, N.D., Merny, S.A. (1995): Amino silica with lattice type distribution of bonded groups. Zhurn. Obschei Khimii (Russ. J. General Chem.), 65, 529-537.
Kholin, Yu.V., Zaitsev, V.N., Merny, S.A., Varzatsky, O.A. (1995): Complexing of Cu2+ ions with aliphatic amines, covalently bonded to silica surface. Zhurn. Nerog. Khimii (Russ. J. Inorg. Chem.), 40, 1325-1330.
Pecheny, A.B., Kalibabchuk V.A. and Zaitsev V.N. (1994): Interaction of some porphyrine cobalt (II) complexes with aminosilicas. Functional materials (Ukr.), 1, 119-123.
Zaitsev, V.N., Kholin, Yu. V., Koniaev, D.S. (1993): Complexation of Co(ii), Ni(ii), Cu(ii) with 2,2'-dipyridyl and 1,10-phenanthroline fixed on aerosil surface. Zhurn. Neorgan. Khimii (Russ. J. Inorg. Chem.) 38, 1023-1028.
Skopenko, V.V., Kholin, Y.V., Zaitsev, V.N., Mernii, S.A. and Koniaev, D.S. (1993): Relevance between models that describe adsorption on chemically modified silicas. 1. The model of fixed polydentate centres and chemical reactions. Fizich. Khim.(Russ. J. Phys. Chem.), 67, 728-33.
Kholin, Yu.V., Zaitsev, V.N., Merny, S.A., Donskaya N.D. and Chistiakova L.N. (1993): Acid-base properties of silicas chemically modified by aminogroups. Ukr. Khim. Zhurn., 59, 910-917.
Kholin, Yu.V., Zaitsev, V.N., Merny, S.A. (1994): Investigation of counter-ion behaviour in interfacial layer of complexing silicas with aminogroups. Dokladi Akademii Nauk Ukraini, 134-138. (In Ukrainian only).
Zaitsev, V.N., Kadenko, I., Strelko, V.V., Skopenko, E.V. (1992): Low charge large anion immobilisation for the preparation of selective caesium adsorbents. Anal. Chim. Acta, 256, 323.
Donskaya N.D. and Zaitsev V.N. (1992): Complex formation of CuCl2 on surface of aminopropyl aerosils with different concentration of bonded groups. Ukr. Khim. Zhurn., 58, 972-976.
Zaitsev, V.N., Skopenko, V.V. and Gluschenko L.V. (1992): 1,10 Phenanthroline and 2,2-dipyridil supported silica. In: Chemically modified surfaces, Eds. Mottola H.A. and Steinmetz J.R. (Elsevier), 397.
Zaitsev, V.N., Kolomiets, L., Elskaya, AV., Skopenko, V.V. and Evans J. (1991): Covalent immobilisation of immunoglobulin on the wafer surface for immunosensor bioselective matrix construction. Anal. Chim. Acta, 252, 1-6.
Lishko, T.P., Glushchenko, L.V., Kholin, Y.B., Zaitsev, V.N., Bugaevskii, A.A. and Donskaya, N.D. (1991): Complexing processes on silica chemically modified by amines with various dentate ability. Zhurn. Fizich. Khim. (Russ. J. Phys. Chem.), 65, 2996- 3004.
Kholin, Y.V., Zaitsev, V.N., Donskaya, N.D. (1990): Verification of the model for characterization of complexing process of CoCl2 with aminopropylsilica in dimethylphormamid . Zhurn. Neorgan. Khim. 35, 1569-1574 (In russian), Russ. J. Inorg. Chem., 35, 891-94 (In English).
Laboratório de adsorventes para análise química, proteção de ambiente e biomedicina (LAQAPAB)
Departamento de Química,
Pontifícia Universidade
Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)
tel: +55 21 980551969,
e-mail: vnzaitsev@puc-rio.br,
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