- V.N. Zaitsev, L.S. Kostenko, N.G. Kobylinskaya. Acid-base properties of silica-based
ion-exchanger having covalently bonded aminodi(methylphosphonic) acid. Analytica Chimica Acta,
2006, V. 565, № 2, 157-162
Acid–base properties of an organophosphorous
silica-based ion-exchanger with covalently bonded complexone groups—N-propylaminodi(methylphosphonic)
acid (AdPA-SiO2) were studied. By comparison of AdPA-SiO2 chemical analysis and
data of pH and conductometric titration it was demonstrated that the composition
of immobilised layer differ from sample to sample and might consist of 60–88%
aminodi(methylphosphonic) acid and 12–40% of residual aminopropyl groups.
Regardless of the multifunctional nature of AdPA-SiO2 interfacial layer, its
acid–base properties can be predicted. All studied AdPA-SiO2 samples have the
properties of strong multiprotic H4L acids with pK1 < 2.6. Incomplete
transformation of amino groups to aminodiphosphonic acid plays the key role in
determination of the conditions of AdPA-SiO2 ionisation in neutral and
weak-basic media. Linear correlation was found for pK2 and amine-to-acid
conversion degree (ω) with pK2 = 8.8 − 4.0ω. It allows us to determine the
conditions of AdPA ionisation for all AdPA-SiO2 samples. The established
correlation can be used to check the quality (the degree of interfacial layer
heterogeneity) of AdPA-SiO2. The final measurable ionisation constant for
AdPA-SiO2, pK3 = 7.9 ± 0.6 is 2-orders of magnitude higher then acidity constant
for AdPA homogeneous analogue. It seems that such reduction is caused by
increase of electro static interaction between movable counter-ions and
negatively charged surface groups. Conductometric study of AdPA-SiO2 also
suggests firm fixation of counter-ions in the interfacial layer.
- S.A. Alekseev,
J. Fraissard.
Organosilicas with covalently
bonded groups under thermochemical treatment. Materials Chemistry, 2006,
V. 18, № 7, Р. 1981-1987.
Silica-based hybrid materials having covalently immobilized vinyl (SiO2-C2H3),
chloropropyl (SiO2-R-Cl), trimethylsilyl (SiO2-SiMe3),
ethyl sulfonic acid (SiO2-R-SO3H), and aminopropyl (SiO2-R-NH2)
groups, as well as the salt of the latter with HNO3 (SiO2-R-NH2·HNO3)
were studied by different thermoanalytical methods: thermogravimetry (TGA),
differential thermal analysis (DTA), and temperature-programmed desorption mass
spectrometry (TDP-MS). It was demonstrated that TPD MS can be successfully used
for the investigation of the interfacial layer in such materials. Particularly,
it was shown that a side reaction between the grafted group and aromatic
solvents is possible during the preparation of SiO2-C2H3
and SiO2-R-Cl. For SiO2-SO3H the formation of
2-Si-ethanesulfonic, 1-Si-ethanesulfonic, and 2,4-Si-butanesulfonic acid grafted
groups with the predominance of the 2-Si isomer was found. The process of SiO2-NH2·HNO3
decomposition at 500 K may be applied for the preparation of silica modified by
aldehyde groups. Mechanisms of thermal transformations of bonded layer were
established and the key role of the reactions of grafted groups with silanols in
such processes was demonstrated. As was found for SiO2-R-Cl and SiO2-R-NH2,
the decomposition process with participation of silanols is realized in two
stages. The first one occurs in the 400-700 K range and includes the interaction
between organic groups and the neighboring silanol. The second decomposition
stage occurs above 700 K and includes migration of the bonded groups on the
silica surface.
- I. V. Khristenko, Yu. V. Kholin, N. O.
Mchedlov-Petrossyan, C. Reichardt, and V. N. Zaitsev Probing of Chemically
Modified Silica Surfaces by Solvatochromic Pyridinium N-Phenolate Betaine Indicators.
Zhurnal, 2006, Vol. 68, No. 4, pp. 558−565.
The state of betaine indicators,
2,6-diphenyl-4-(2,4,6-triphenylpyridinium-1-yl)phenolate and
2,6-dichloro-4-(2,4,6-triphenylpyridinium-1-yl)phenolate, on the surfaces of
aminosilicas, silica modified with aminodiphosphonic acid, and unmodified silica
gel is studied with diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. The normalized polarity
parameters are calculated for the surface layers of the sorbents. It is revealed
that regions with substantially different polarity and acidity are present on
the surface of chemically modified silicas.
- T. Kovalchuk, H. Sfihi, L. Kostenko, V. Zaitsev and J. Fraissard.
Preparation, structure and thermal stability of onium- and amino-functionalized
silicas for the use as catalysts supports. Journal of Colloid and Interface
Science, Volume 302, Issue 1 , 1 October 2006, Pages 214-229
We explored and compared several
synthetic methods of grafting silica with strong (alkyltriphenylphosphonium,
tetralkylammonium, propylpyridinium and dialkylimidazolium) and weak (γ-aminopropyl,
γ-(N-imidazolyl)propyl) anion-exchanging groups starting with
commercially available chloroalkyl- and γ-aminopropylsilanes. Structure
of the intermediate and final materials was investigated by elemental analysis,
titration, 13C, 29Si, 31P MAS NMR, DRIFT, and
TPD MS. The derivatives of alkyltriphenylphosphonium, propylpyridinium and
dialkylimidazolium cation can be prepared with satisfactory quaternisation
yields (ca. 30–100%) via the nucleophilic substitution of γ-chloropropyl
groups either in the silane or in chloropropylsilica, resulting in bonded phases
with moderate densities: 0.2–1.0 group nm−2 (onium salts) and 0.2–1.5
group nm−2 (amines). Parallel one-pot end-capping/hydrophobization
can be done if a mixture of target silane with end-capping reagent or γ-chloropropylsilane
is used. The grafted layer is highly stable at the level of Si–C bonds and
decomposes at ca. 400 °C, while the onium functions begin to decompose at ca.
250 °C, lowering the thermal stability of materials. Thus, anion-exchanging
silicas can be envisaged for the use as catalyst supports at moderate
- В.Н. Зайцев, В.А. Халаф, Г.Н.
Зайцева Твердофазный
Экстрагент Для Извлечения Фенола, На Основе Кремнезема Модифицированного Солью
Арилдиазония // Украинский химический
журнал, 2006, т. 72, №2, с.105-109.
- Трохименко О.М., Зайцев В.М., Пащенко Є.О. Спектрофотометричне визначення
церію(ІV) за допомогою дифеніл-сульфокислоти
// Укр. химич. журн. – 2006. – Т. 72, № 8. – С. 100-103.
- Зайцев В.Н., Георгиевский В.П.,
Наджафова О.Ю. Международная
конференция «Аналитическая химия и химический анализ» AC&CA-05 посвященная 100-летию со дня рождения акад. НАН Украины А.К. Бабко// Фармаком. – 2006. – № 1;. – С. 7 - 11.
- Зайцева Г.М., Халаф В.А., Конопліцька О.П., Зайцев В.М. Сорбційно-атомно-абсорбційне визначення
Сu(II), Cd(II), Zn(II), та Pb(II) у питній воді за допомогою кремнезему,
модифікованого пропілтіоетиламіном // Укр. хим. журнал.-2006.-72,№ 10.
- Трохименко О.М., Зайцев В.М., Писарева Н.Є. Вплив аніонів мінеральних кислот на швидкість
перебігу реакції Сендела-Кольтгофа // Укр. химич. журн.- 2006. - Т. 72, № 10. -
С. 26-29.
- Трохименко О.М., Зайцев В.М., Писарева Н.Є. (аспір.). Фотометричне визначення іодату в
іодованій кухонній солі // Вісник Київського нац. ун-ту імені Тараса Шевченка.
Хімія, 2006. - Т. 43. - С. 55-56.
- Р.Н. Барабаш, С.А. Алексеев, В.Н. Зайцев, Д. Барбье. Устойчивость к окислению и модифицирование винилсиланами пористого
кремния // Укр. хим. журн. — 2006. — 72, N 9-10. — С. 78-84.
Исследована устойчивость пористого кремния к термическому и гидролитическому
окислению. Показано, что одним из важнейших факторов, лимитирующих этот процесс,
являются гидрофобно-гидрофильные свойства материала. Проведено закрепление
трихлор- и триметокси-винилсиланов на поверхности пористого кремния по реакциям
гидросилилирования и силанизирования. Показано, что закрепление на поверхности
кремния этилен-2-трихлорсилильных групп приводит к значительному повышению
гидрофильности материала, что в свою очередь вызывает его быструю коррозию за
счет взаимодействия с находящимися в воздухе водными парами.
Laboratório de adsorventes para análise química, proteção de ambiente e biomedicina (LAQAPAB)
Departamento de Química,
Pontifícia Universidade
Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)
tel: +55 21 980551969,
e-mail: vnzaitsev@puc-rio.br,